Hi, my name is Taylour.

I am a full-stack javascript engineer from Escondido CA. I took my first programming course in high school and I have been hooked on making things with code ever since. I started by programming in c# using the Unity engine to make games. In 2019 I made the decision to turn my programming hobby into a career and started school at San Diego Code School where I learned full-stack web development using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS).

Very Simple To-Do App

React To-Do application. Allows the users to keep track of their to-do list including prioritizing. Also allows the user to edit or delete to-do's that have already been written.

Movie Info

Movie information website that pulls data from the OMDB database and shows it to the user based upon their search.

SDCS Weather App

React weather application pulling weather data from OpenWeatherMap.org API. Shows you the current weather stats based on your search, also keeps a log of your past searches.

Here's how you can contact me

  • Phone: (619) 357 - 6534‬
  • Email: Taylourdev@gmail.com
  • Connect with me on LinkedIn